Healthy Indian Food Recipes to gain weight naturally

In the current world, everyone is obsessed about weight loss and having a slim figure. Most of them try to have weight loss pills and herbal teas that would help them in reducing the weight. In order to make this a business most of the companies have come up with some electronic gadgets like calorie reader spoons, etc. While this is a group of individuals who strive to burn their fat, there exists another group where they tend to gain weight. People who are very thin might not be able to find the right accessories and clothes which can suit them.

One should always remember that key to develop a healthy body mass is by increasing the consumption of proteins and healthy calories. This needs to be increased slowly in their food along with regular exercise. Consuming healthy Indian food helps you gain weight slowly and naturally. When compared to other global cuisines, Indian food offers assorted recipes which are high in proteins and contain high content of healthy fats which makes it the best way to increase weight naturally.

The Indian vegetarian food includes many low fat products like milk, almonds, dried beans, soya beans, which help in increasing the body mass of an individual. Besides chapattis, parathas and rotis which are made of multi grain flour, and dishes made of potato, carrots, sweet potatoes which contain high starch help in gaining the body mass gradually besides providing nutrition. Even the South Indian dishes like idly and uttapam which are made up of rice batter contains proteins and low fats, which are not only healthy but help in gaining the weight in a natural way. Paneer, a by-product of milk is one of the best food which helps in gaining weight naturally and gradually. Paneer dishes are well known all over the world. Most of them tend to avoid this dish as they would gain weight by consuming these dishes.

It is always a myth that Indian food caters only for vegetarians. The rich cuisines of India also offer delicacies for meat lovers as well. Consuming a small serving of chicken, lamb everyday would help with steady weight gain. The ingredients and spices used in preparing these foods contain lots of proteins which would really benefit an individual who wish to gain weight. Even sea foods like tuna, prawns, etc. help in building lean muscles.

You can find many products over the market, which would promise weight gain as well for lean people. However, these would give side effects and cause many health issues in the later part of the life. Hence, avoid these kinds of supplements which would assure weight gain in a limited amount of time. Having a healthy and food rich in proteins would help in gaining weight naturally without any side effects. Always remember that gaining or losing weight does not happen overnight and it should happen naturally. Adding a few exercises to your daily routine would definitely give you results besides having healthy food.

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