How Brain Food plays significant role to keep mind fit and healthy?

The brain communicates with the rest part of the body with the help of neurons. They send impulses through neurotransmitters and ions to tell the body what to think, what to do and even how to feel. Brain food highly affects one’s memory, creativity or intelligence. Therefore, it is very essential to take brain foods that influence your intellectual part of life. You should ensure that the children are also exposed to brain foods that help them to thrive and grow. The food you eat truly does have an effect on the performance of the brain. Besides keeping your mind healthy and young, there is a need to sharpen the memory, improve the mood, remain emotionally stable and boost the IQ level. One natural approach is to eat correct foods for ensuring the healthy brain. The most significant buildings blocks for healthy cells and brain is omega -3 fats. Mental decline is one of the major issues that strike at old age. Brainpower foods provide micronutrients and phytonutrients that our body requires. The four golden rules involved to build a healthy brain are discussed below:

1.    Evade anti- nutrients:
Those substances that hit our brain friendly nutrients come under anti- nutrients. For the attainment of healthy brain, one needs to minimize the use of refined sugar, damaged fats and chemical food additives. You can also try to eliminate food allergens.

2.    Consumption of diet containing vitamins and minerals:
Vitamins and minerals are responsible for the smooth functioning of the brain. These intelligent nutrients facilitate our brain to build and rebuild. You can attain these nutrients from vegetables, fruits and whole foods for optimal brain performance. Ensure that you intake at-least 5 portions of vegetables or fruits in a day. Include more whole foods and supplements of multi vitamins and minerals in your diet.

3.    Maintaining the blood sugar level:
Sugar is considered as a super fuel for the brain. However, ensuring the right type of sugar is being consumed with the right amount and at the right time is equally important. Too much sugar gets collected into storage similar to abdominal fat. The excess quantity of sugar in the blood makes the people hyperactive and hard to concentrate. The maintenance of blood sugar level in the body can be attained by eating 2 snacks and 3 meals a day.

4.    Ensure essential fats:
It is important to know that fat is present in our 60% dried brain weight. Deficiency in some kind of fats can highly influence the behavior and intelligence of person’s life. Eating abundance of nuts and seeds may help you in obtaining all the essential needs. You can also grind them and then sprinkle on soup, cereal and salad.

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